Bronze and Silver Medalist
USDF Certified Education
2/16-17/2023 Upgrade Your Judging Eye I Cesar Torrente (Demo Rider and Participant)
2/5/2022 Upgrade Your Judging Eye I&II Joan Darnell (Demo Rider and Participant)
12/6/2021 “The Breeder’s Assistant” course on Equine Reproduction(non-USDF affiliated)
1/20/2020 Adequan/USDF FEI Level Trainers Conference
11/2/2019 Upgrade Your Judging Eye I (Demo Rider and Participant)
5/18/2019 ADA Allison Brock and Jeremy Steinberg (Demo Rider)
4/6/2019 USDF Handler Clinic Participant and Ambassador for the Program
8/5/2018 USDF Sport Horse Seminar, held in conjunction with the USEF Dressage Sport Horse Judges Clinic (Ambassador for the Program)
6/23/2018 USDF Youth/Young Adult Breeders Seminar (Ambassador for the Program)
4/7/2018 Trainers Collaborative Symposium- Solutions in Dressage Training (Demo Rider)
1/13/2018 USDF/USEF Young Rider Graduate Program Awarded the Fritz Grant by TDF
6/2/2017 Betsy Steiner Symposium (Demo Rider)
5/13/2017 USDF Sport Horse Prospect Development Forum (Demo Rider)
1/16/2017 Adequan/USDF FEI Level Trainers Conference
10/22/2016 USDF L Education Program Mid South Session C
7/16/2016 USDF L Program, Midsouth Session B
7/9/2016 USDF Dressage Sport Horse Youth Breeders Seminar
5/14/2016 Betsy Steiner Symposium(Demo Rider)
4/16/2016 USDF L Program Session A
9/28/2015 Youth Dressage Sport Horse Breeder/Handler Seminar
11/2/2013 Nutrena/USDF Region 9 Adult Clinic
Get in touch
Erin knows that finding the right instructor can be a journey and there are many out there. Erin can offer consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.
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Erin’s Publications